Monday, January 19, 2015

Remodeling and Home Design
T2 Design + Architecture Receives Best Of Houzz 2015 Award Over 25 Million Monthly Unique Users Rated Top-Rated Home Building, Remodeling and Design Professionals in the United States and Around the World January 19, 2015 –T2 Design + Architecture has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. Out architecture studio was chosen by the more than 25 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 500,000 active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals. The Best Of Houzz award is given in two categories: Design and Customer Satisfaction. Design award winners’ work was the most popular among the more than 25 million monthly users on Houzz, known as “Houzzers.” Customer Satisfaction honors are determined by a variety of factors, including the number and quality of client reviews a professional received in 2014. Winners will receive a “Best Of Houzz 2015” badge on their profiles, helping Houzz users around the world who discover and love a professional’s work to learn even more about that business’ popularity and satisfaction rating among their peers in the Houzz community. Embrace Limitations Envision Possiblities “Houzz provides homeowners with a 360 degree view of home building, remodeling and design industry professionals, empowering them to engage the right people and products for their project,” said Liza Hausman, vice president of industry marketing for Houzz. “We’re delighted to recognize T2 Design +Architecture among our “Best Of” professionals as judged by our community of homeowners and design enthusiasts who are actively remodeling and decorating their homes.” Follow T2 Design + Architecture on Houzz!projects-expanded T2 Design + Architecture is dedicated to the making of spaces, buildings and places that shelter and enrich the human spirit. It is our intention that each realized project supports the needs and desires of its inhabitants, offers a gentle touch of physical beauty and a taste of inspiration to uplift the routine functions of daily life into memorable experiences. T2 Design is committed to sustainable principles, not only on a physical resource and environmental level, but on a humanistic level as well, balancing all the competing factors into what is suitable for the project, considering the up-front capital investment as well as life cycle costs. About Houzz Houzz is the leading platform for home remodeling and design, providing people with everything they need to improve their homes from start to finish - online or from a mobile device. From decorating a room to building a custom home, Houzz connects millions of homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals across the country and around the world. With the largest residential design database in the world and a vibrant community powered by social tools, Houzz is the easiest way for people to find inspiration, get advice, buy products and hire the professionals they need to help turn their ideas into reality. Headquartered in Palo Alto, CA, Houzz also has international offices in London, Berlin and Sydney. For more information, visit

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Entering Our Personal Sanctuary - bring back the Vestibule

Many of us on the west coast of the United States live in modest houses built after WWll.  Mostly designed by developers with their draftsmen to execute the drawings necessary to construct, little or no attention to the elemental principles of good house design were attended to.  These houses were driven by the demand of the post war boom in providing quantity at the expense of quality. They vary in square footage , but are basically the same - cookie cutter houses - 2 to 3 bedrooms with 1 & 1/2 bathrooms.

Typically they are very simple, moderately decorated boxes with little - if any relationship with their natural environment in which they were set. Almost all of these houses did not take into account the primary human need of transitioning  into and then entering a home. These houses were affordable at the time and now relatively expensive to purchase requiring varying degrees of  modifications depending upon your needs and desires as you have experienced.

Besides the lack of insulation, inefficient windows, small kitchens and outdated bathrooms that we are quick to fix and remodel - there is the first moment of engagement we tend to ignore - the place of arrival and transition - the entrance into our personal sanctuary.  

There are minimal roof coverings at the entry - typically just at the front door landing and no internal vestibule or space to welcome us home. There is little, if any accommodation of making the necessary transition from the hectic external world into the refuge of our private realm. We abruptly enter right smack into the middle of the living space without any time or space to make the needed transition to shed our external skins. There is no place to put our bags down, dry the dog, hang our coats or maybe take our shoes off to put on our slippers - let alone welcome a guest in. If we're lucky we have just enough space for a coat rack.

Whether we live in an apartment or house we need this essential transitional space both physically and spiritually.  In an apartment we're not allowed to build anything permanent, so the use screens and furniture can do a lot. If you own your home you can do so much more depending on your budget. A modest investment to remedy this condition will transform your daily experience,  add privacy and increase your home's street appeal. There is value to be added right at the front door. Consider starting at the beginning and then moving your way through as you make the necessary adjustments and updates to your home. You as well as your neighborhood will benefit by this investment.

Here are a few ideas:
Front door placed perpendicular to street
Roof covering to shelter 2 to 3 people min.
Interior vestibule to accommodate a bench, shelves, coats, etc.
Additional windows to allow light in

Your living room will now feel more spacious and restful. The front door no longer staring you in the face as a reminder of the world you left behind.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Enough Beige - A Glimpse of Hundertwasser

Driving north on I-5 in the dim light of a cold northwest winter morning, I was suddenly struck by the vast blight of beige casting its colorless shadow over the majestic Puget Sound landscape. As I entered the Downtown, Seattle area I noticed the nondescript sterile buildings lining the roadway to the west, while to the east a clump of beige stalagmites rose from Pill Hill. What struck me at that moment was the magnitude of buildings lacking the courage to express emotion through color. I felt Hundertwasser's spirit beckoning to speak out, his call to awaken us from this haze.  

Color is not new in architecture. Throughout history, from ancient Greece to Babylonia to a small Ndebelle tribe in Africa, color has been harnessed by diverse cultures to enrich their built environments and establish an identity of place. Scores of architecture books are filled with illustrations of these magnificent feats, which stare back at us, questioning—why have you not acted similarly?

We feel safe expressing color in our personal spaces, but it seems we don’t feel as safe doing the same with the exterior skin of our buildings. So we fall back to the safety of beige and pale imitations of what once was color.

Countless psychological and physiological studies have investigated our primal need and responses to color. Clinical studies have shown that humans left in environments devoid of color experience excessive negative emotional responses: irritation, restlessness, anxiety, distress and fear, which we know are detrimental to our wellbeing (1). Studies have also revealed the positive benefits of color—to aid in the healing process, contribute to unthreatening environments, support social interaction and improve learning abilities (2). Color has such power.

In the Seattle metropolitan area, many of our daily sensory experiences may be perceived under an overcast sky. This significant amount of decreased exposure to sunlight can have a negative impact on our emotional state. Think of color as “vitamin D” for our eyes and spirit. Many health professionals recommend that inhabitants of the Northwest take a vitamin D daily supplement to offset the lack of exposure to sunlight, which can affect our psychological and physical health.

The ancient study of phototherapy (chromotheraphy) dates as far back as the Egyptians who used light and color's electromagnetic radiation as a treatment for health ailments (3).  By adding more color to the exterior surfaces of our buildings, we can activate them to act as reflectors that transmit the full range of nourishing wavelengths. We can amplify what light we have by harnessing this energy. Color has the capability to rejuvenate and sustain our spirit through the lengthy seasons of grey.

Wassily Kandinsky writes about the sound of color in his book, Concerning the Spiritual in Art. He states, "Generally speaking, color is a power, which directly influences the soul. Color is a keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, and the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand, which plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul."

Imagine walking into an impressionist painting with the artist's colors cascading over you, their spectacular pigments illuminating the surrounding canvas. Remember in The Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy's house lands after the tornado and the film changes from a sepia tinted black and white into Technicolor? That was where her transformation began.

Now, picture the Seattle cityscape with an infusion of color. Can you envision the transformation? We have inherited a breathtaking texture of greens and browns that permeate our environment. If you are fortunate to be in proximity of one of our luscious bodies of water, add a splash of indigo with a pinch of violet along with a wash of lavender. What other colors can we add to the palette to enhance our collective painting?

Among the beige, I've glimpsed inspired buildings that express some emotion through color.
I'm sure you've witnessed your own. You may live, work, pass by, or have created one. They leave an enduring imprint on our memories. My eyes and heart are always grateful for that exceptional moment when I see a building that says, "Yes, I'm here." These colored offerings please their inhabitants and in so doing, remind all of what can be if we are willing to make the effort and take a risk.

Buildings and structures imbued with color spark our imaginations and touch our emotions. They hold us to a higher standard of aliveness. Some may induce a smile, some a scream, but they won't elicit indifference or numbness.

To share your sightings of built color in the Seattle metropolitan area, please go to  and upload your photographs for all to see.

1. Functional Color and Design in Education, Architectural Record, June 2013
2. Manke F. Color, Environment, & Human Response. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1996
3. Azeemi S, Raza Mohsin, A critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2 (2005), Issue 4, Pages 481-488, Hindawi Publishing Corp.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Articles Introduction: Planning for a Building Project

The following series of articles are written for the commercial property owner, business owner or homeowner considering a new building project.
The information is directed towards the individual with little-to-no previous exposure to the design and construction process. It is my hope that the insights presented within these articles will both address some of your initial concerns and help prepare you for your upcoming project.

·      Planning for a Project: budgeting money + time
·      Selecting an Architect: what to look for
·      Working with Your Architect: the design process
·      Selecting a Builder: what to look for

Selecting A Builder

After a considerable amount of your time, effort and planning, you're ready to bring your vision of 'what can be' to fruition. In order to accomplish this momentous feat, you need to entrust your project into the hands of a skilled builder who can materialize your plans. Selecting a suitable builder you can trust and work with is an integral component to the success of your project. To make this key decision will require you to use your combined reasoned and intuitive abilities.

Where do you find your builder?

You can begin making inquires through family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who have worked with a contractor before. The majority of builders' projects come via word of mouth. If you have already hired an architect they will be able to recommend at least two builders they have confidence in and believe are a good fit for your project.

If you are able to obtain a referral through someone you know, then there is already a built-in level of connectivity between you and the builder. If not, then check with your local builders association or a contractor referral service as these entities typically pre-screen their contractors for required licensing, bonding, liens against them, and bankruptcy history. These services aim to help you in making an informed decision, by referring only qualified and reliable contractors.

When is it time to bring a builder into the process?

It is best to begin your search as early as possible, so that when the time arrives you have a few good builders in-line; builders whom you know are qualified and have shown genuine interest in your project. The search can occur before, during, or after the construction documents have been prepared.

If you decide to speak to a builder prior to initiating the architectural design process, there are several services the builder is able to provide. At this stage, a builder can be helpful in identifying red flags to be avoided from a construction standpoint. They may be able to provide you a rough estimate based on your wish list. Yet realize, they really can’t give you any exact numbers before architectural drawings and specifications of an established design are produced. Finally, they may be able to recommend an architect if you haven’t already selected one. 

Negotiated Bid
If you and your architect choose to bring a builder on-board during the design phase and grant them the exclusive opportunity to bid the project, this method is called 'negotiated bid'. The selected builder is in the preferred position to be awarded the contract, as long as their final bid is in-line with the pre-established budget. If at the conclusion of the construction documents phase they are unable to meet the budget, then you (the owner) have the right to solicit other bids.

There are many benefits to this integrated design approach. The builder's estimating knowledge will be useful in keeping the project's construction budget on target by working with your architect during the design documentation phase to review construction systems, material options and other alternatives that can control costs. They will also have developed a thorough understanding of the design before preparing their final bid and will be invested in the project early, which incentivizes them to stay within the budget.

Going Out To Bid
If you wait until the construction documents have been completed, this method is called 'going out to bid', where you will solicit bids from a short list of contractors you have assembled. This group of contractors will be bidding against each other, and as such, your architect will provide each contractor with the same construction documents for them to estimate and prepare their bids.

You should limit your short list to a maximum of three candidates, the reason for three; you will get a fair sampling of the construction cost range, while at the same time, the contractors will feel they have a good chance to be awarded the contract and therefore make a concentrated effort in putting together a solid bid. Any more than three bidders, their chances diminish and they are unlikely to make the required effort, which may result in loose and less considered bids. It is important to note that it takes the builder(s) a considerable amount of time and effort to put together a bid proposal, which they are typically not compensated for.

The purpose of this method is to gather a set of competitive bids in order to obtain the lowest price. Be sure to review each contractors' inclusions, exclusions and line item costs so that you are comparing apples to apples. By doing a thorough review of each proposal will ensure that the complete scope of work has been included and neither items or scope have been overlooked. However, this does not mean to select your builder based solely on price. (See other factors below.)

How do you evaluate a builder?
Once you have gathered a short list of qualified builders to interview, then you can begin your selection process.
There are many factors that go into deciding upon a builder, besides the lowest bid.  It should be a given that the contractor(s) you interview will be licensed, bonded, carry liability and workers compensation insurance, so what, besides construction cost, might separate one candidate from another?

Here is a list of possible factors to consider when selecting the right contractor to build your project.


·         Knowledgeable: does the builder have experience with your project type, along with the local building inspectors and municipal processes, if not, does their past work demonstrate their capability to be successful?

·      Value: does the builder bring added value to the project by offering ideas and suggestions that support the design intent, while decreasing cost and time?

·      Skills: does the builder (and their subcontractors) have the ability to build to the quality standards required?
·      Resources: does the builder have good relationships with suppliers, a reliable crew and the financial stability to complete your project?
·      Management: is the builder well-organized with adequate project management to run the project smoothly and efficiently?
·      Process: does the builder adhere to a project schedule, outlining the construction process with critical milestones? Is their process inclusive of your participation as needed and give you enough lead-time to make decisions?
·      Communication: is the builder articulate in verbal and written form, easily accessible and responsive in a timely manner?
·      Personable: does the builder have a trustworthy and respectable disposition and will they be able to work well with you, your architect and others to achieve a successful project?
·      Referrals: what do past clients have to say about the builder? (See list of questions)
·      Contract: is the contract fair to both parties? Does it clearly describe the scope of work, what is included and what is excluded? Has the contractor provided a detailed line item spreadsheet, which includes material and labor for all divisions of work with overhead, profit and taxes?
·      Fee: is the builders fee competitive for the specified service and will they deliver 'what they said they will' and more?

Builder Referrals: Questions to ask
Note: You should ask contractor(s) for contact information for their last three clients. The contractor will provide referrals, but they might not be the most recent.
·      How did you learn about the contractor?
·      Can you explain the type of work the contractor did on your project?
·      Was the work done according to the plans and specifications?
·      Was the job site clean and well organized?
·      Was the quality of craftsmanship up to your standards or higher?
·      Did the contractor offer suggestions to reduce cost while maintaining the quality?
·      Did the project progress according to the original schedule?
·      Was the project completed within budget?
·      Were there change orders and if so what were they for?
·      Was the contractor clear about what would be considered a change order in their contract?
·      Was their invoicing clear, consistent, up to date and according to the contract?
·      Was the contractor easy to reach and communicate with?
·      Did the contractor respond well to changes you wanted to make during construction?
·      Did the contractor give you enough lead-time to make decisions?
·      Did the contractor work well with your architect and others?
·      Where there any lien issues with subcontractors or vendors since the completion?
·      Has there been any significant issues with the construction since its completion?
·      Has the contractor made any service calls to remedy any problems since the completion of the project?
·      Is there anything you would change concerning how the contractor conducts their business?
·      What were the positive aspects of working with the contractor?
·      Would you be able to visit the project to see the contractor's craftsmanship?
·      Would you use the contractor again?

How do you determine if the builder is a good fit?

You must feel confident that your contractor can build the project for the agreed contract amount, within the specified timeframe and to the quality level required. Finally you need to trust your gut; your relationship with the contractor will be first and foremost. You will exchange a large sum of money for service and will have frequent interaction over the next three to twelve months or longer depending on the scope of work. This becomes even more crucial if this is your personal home or business and will be occupying the premises during construction.

Once the design has been envisioned, the drawings have been completed, the permits have been approved, the finances are in place, and the builder selected; it's time to build.

Working With Your Architect: The Design Process

You have taken the first courageous step toward making a piece of architecture by daring to engage in the act of giving shape and form to your dream.

Before you hire your architect to bring forth your dream into reality, you should take the time to become familiar with the design process and the role you and your architect will play in this unfolding process. The working relationship between you and your architect is crucial to the fluidity of the design process, and ultimately the success of your project.

Hiring a well chosen architect (see: Selecting an Architect)  whose vision is aligned with your aspirations and objectives will ensure your dream is fully realized. Together, you will embark on a creative journey, which will culminate in a built legacy that both of you can be proud. 

What are your roles?
You might have started collecting design ideas, developing a wish list, contacting the city and listening to experiences of family, friends and/or colleagues, who have gone through the design and construction processes. There is a lot of value to be gained from hearing others' experiences and insights, and most will be good, however you might hear the occasional nightmare story as well. If you do come across one of these, treat it as a valuable cautionary tale by listening and measuring it carefully, so that you can learn how to avoid a similar scenario.

Don't let a negative story frighten you, turn it into a reminder to be vigilant in your due diligence before you begin the design process. Unforeseen issues and problems will arise, this is a given. However, the more information and knowledge you have gathered before you begin, the more informed you will become, and
consequentially less likely to encounter substantive problems. As your assiduousness grows, so will your confidence to proceed on this creative journey.

You define your needs, desires and objectives, which your architect then absorbs and translates into a custom design suited just for you. Your architect will act as a conduit, filtering your parameters along with other influential factors affecting the project . Throughout the design process, your architect will synthesize all these requirements into a unified design, with the intent of resolving all competing forces, while fulfilling your aspirations and objectives.

Design is a time-based endeavor, and as such, the amount of service and support you want from your architect is determined by what you value, as well as what you can afford. The specific architectural services provided will be defined by the agreed scope of work. Once there is a clear understanding between you, the design process can begin.

What is the process?
The design begins with you. You are the catalyst  that initiated this creative journey and your architect will function as your guide and translator along the way. Before you enter into the design process your architect will prepare a project schedule to outline and manage the design process efficiently.

You may have already begun evaluating your needs, desires and objectives for your project. This is the beginning of establishing the architectural program that will generate the requirements and guidelines for your architect respond to and design for.

Throughout the design process, there will be an ongoing dialogue between you and your architect; from macro to micro considerations, to numerous decisions which need to be made in order to achieve a well conceived thought out design that meets your objectives, while integrating all other requirements.

Your architect will present you various ideas, solutions and alternatives, which you need to review and critique 'what works and does not work for you'. Together, you will formalize a design that resolves your concerns and finally reflects your values and vision.

There are standard phases to the design process, with minor variations, that most projects adhere to. It is up to you and your architect to determine which phases, along with their associated drawings and information, will be necessary for your project.

Standard design phases:

Phase 1
Feasibility Study: Defining What is Possible!

Collecting and analyzing critical information and data such as: budget, resources, schedule, planning ordinances and building codes to make sure the proposed project is possible within your parameters and within the restrictions set forth by the governing agencies.

Phase 2
Programming: Formalizing Wish List!

Establishing a written document that outlines the quantitative and qualitative elements that the project needs to contain. This is your wish list articulated in a concise manner which clarifies your needs, desires and objectives.

Phase 3
Existing Conditions: Recording As-Builts!

Whether your project is a renovation, remodel, addition or new construction this phase is essential. This phase will document environmental conditions, existing infrastructure and record the existing plans of the site and building for use in developing the design documents to follow.

Phase 4
Schematic Design: The Discovery Begins!

Ideas and concepts that give form to your programmatic objectives. Through sketches, drawings, renderings and computer and/or physical models, the design begins to materialize. Your architect will determine which mediums will best illustrate the design so that you can fully comprehend and virtually inhabit the emerging design. The goal of this phase is for you to be able to visualize the overall form and feeling of what the design will become.

Depending on the complexity of the design problem and the array of possible solutions, your architect will develop multiple options for you to review, critique and choose from. The schematic phase will set the overall size, form, configuration, spaces, adjacencies and character of the design.

Phase 5
Design Development: Working it out!

The documentation begins for building permit approval and construction. The architect(s) attend to the refinements and adjustments of the schematic design, integrating all required building codes, systems, materials and construction methodologies necessary to build the design. This documentation will also include general finish materials and specifications.

At this stage in the process your architect should be confident that the design fulfills your program/desires, is within a reasonable margin of your established budget, and is achievable within the municipal planning restrictions, that they do not foresee any major impediments to the permit approval and constructability.

At the completion of this phase, a set of drawings is produced, which should be sufficient to solicit preliminary construction estimates and submit for a building permit. This is called a 'permit set', and is the minimum construction drawing set required for approval by the planning and building departments to secure a building permit. This is the minimum your architect is required to provide, the quantity of information and documentation beyond the permit set will vary depending on your needs and arrangement with your architect.

Phase 6
Construction Documents:
Dotting the i's and crossing the t's!

After the permit set, there is still a lot of unresolved details, non specified materials, finishes and fixtures, which allows for possible misinterpretation, and may lead toward the project not coming out the way you envisioned. This can also cause inaccurate and escalating construction costs. To alleviate these potential problems, it is recommended that a complete set of comprehensive drawings with all specifications and written instructions be completed.

These construction documents will describe what is to be built, the quality of the project, how contractors are to be selected, and how the contracts for construction will be written and administered. With a complete set of construction documents you are assured to be able to solicit accurate construction bids that account for all details, materials and specifications of the design.

Complete Construction Documents:

·         Bidding requirements (invitation to bid, information and instructions to bidders; bid forms; and requirements for bid security)

·         Contract forms (the form of agreement to be used between owner and contractor, forms for bonds and certificates)

·         Contract conditions (the general conditions of the contract for construction, which outlines the rights, responsibilities, and duties of the owner and contractor as well as others involved in the construction process, including architect; supplementary conditions particular to the project)

·         Specifications (outline the levels of quality, manufactured products and the standards to be met in the construction of the project)

·         Drawings (includes architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, landscape, interior design, and other specialty drawings)

·         Addenda (additions to any of these documents issued by the architect during the bidding or negotiation process)

·         Contract modification (orders for minor changes of work, construction change directives, and change orders)

Note: The Contract Document form the legal agreement between you (the owner) and the contractor. They include all of the construction documents except the bidding requirements.

Phase 7
Bidding & Construction Administration: Building the design!

This critical stage brings the project to fruition and finally into physical form. Your architect can help you select a contractor and assist in the bidding and negotiations of construction contracts (see: Selecting a Builder). During construction, your architect will work with you to make certain that every decision is the best and most informed decision possible so that the construction meets the quality and intent delineated in the construction documents.

Your architect will review the contractor's application for payment and verify that the work was completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications of the construction documents. It is important to note that adjustments and changes will occur during construction, it is the nature of building. Being aware of this, and prepared with your architect by your side, will alleviate many potential conflicts. Your architect will be able to resolve problems with solutions that achieve the intent of the design, while making sure the fluidity of the construction process is not interrupted.

Persistence and Patience
Now you have an overview of the design process with its associated phases, which I hope will empower you as you move forward.

Very few have the good fortune to enter into this creative process that will result in a project designed specifically for their own use. Persistence and patience will serve you well as you navigate the design and construction process, always keeping in sight your end goal.

This endeavor takes a considerable amount of time, effort and resources; therefore, you have earned the right to have a joyful, exciting and rewarding design and building experience.

So now, imagine what can be and go create your dream!